What is aroma?
Join us as we unlock the secrets of scent and delve into its impact on memory, well-being, and the very essence of our existence. So, what exactly is aroma? Let's find out.
Aroma, stemming from the Ancient Greek word "árōma" denoting spice or herb, encapsulates the lush, often fragrant essence of substances that tantalize our sense of smell. It's a symphony of volatile compounds, or as scientists call them, "terpenes," that engage with our olfactory receptors, setting off a cascade reaction of neural signals. These compounds hail from a variety of sources including plants, fruits, and spices.
When you peel an orange, instantly, you're greeted with a burst of aroma, courtesy of the terpenes emanating from the peel, predominantly limonene terpenes of the citrus family. When inhaled, these aromatic molecules make their way into your nose, where they interact with olfactory receptors. From there, they travel swiftly along olfactory neurons to the olfactory bulb, where they're decoded into the specific olfactory scent, before being relayed to your brain.
This entire process unfolds with remarkable speed, making it the swiftest of your senses, showcasing the remarkable efficiency of our olfactory system.
Yet, aroma is not just about pleasant scents; it's a complex interplay of chemistry, biology, and psychology. The human nose can discern over a trillion different odors, showcasing the intricate nature of our sense of smell. Specific scents can modulate particular brain activity and are transmitted to different olfactory receptors located all over your body, influencing cognitive performance and mood, as evidenced by studies published in journals.

Perhaps one of aroma's most intriguing facets is its ability to evoke feelings and memories. Linked to the brain's limbic system responsible for emotions and memory, scent triggers vivid recollections with astonishing clarity. Smell is closely linked to the hippocampus, a brain region associated with memory formation. Whether it's the aroma of freshly baked cookies or a loved one's scent, olfactory triggers unlock a flood of emotions and nostalgia.
In literature, Marcel Proust immortalized aroma's connection to memory in his famous madeleine episode, highlighting the transformative power of scent. In modern times, pioneering scientists like Linda Buck (who was awarded the nobel prize for her work only about 30 years ago) decoded the molecular basis of olfaction, unraveling the intricate dance of scent molecules and receptors in our brains.
Linda Buck’s discovery of olfactory receptors, opened up the research of how aroma profoundly impacts our well-being. Shockingly, it was found that these receptors are found throughout our body and are not just found in our olfactory pathway. The research supports the practice of using aroma for therapy, using scent to promote healing and relaxation. We now understand more profoundly how aromas can affect anxiety, depression, our overall mood and body. The acceleration in research and studies published validate the power of aromatic molecules and their therapeutic potential as a conduit to health. In CandaScent Lab’s upcoming blogs, we’ll delve into the specific science of how it works.
In our fast moving world where visual and auditory mediums take precedence in our lives, it’s often easy to forget about scent. In fact, it’s one of our senses that can profoundly impact our daily lives, bringing us moments of joy and wellbeing, yet is for the most part largely underappreciated, or paid attention to. Building in a greater awareness of aroma can easily enrich your life.

Drawing awareness to aroma in our everyday life also connects us to the present, and to our surroundings, making us slow down and appreciate small moments. Aroma has the ability to connect us to a greater whole, adding meaning to our lives. The science of chemistry connects us all - literally every biome to every creature uses aromatic molecules to communicate. This interconnectedness through the chemistry of scent binds every diverse creature on this planet - from plant, to insect to animals, making us inexplicably bound to one another through this invisible web.
Scent is much more than what we imagine it to be. It’s a gateway to memories, emotions and our health and well-being. It is an invisible language for all of earth’s creatures to communicate. From its ancient origins to today’s scientific discoveries, aroma remains one of the wonders of our lives that is still being uncovered, explored and continues to fascinate.
Find out more about aroma’s benefits by visiting our formulas for wellness here.